All the procedures and advice in this app have been developed and validated by our biomedical team, led in their different areas by qualified professionals with extensive experience in the fields of Medicine, Human Nutrition and Sports Sciences.

PhD Medical Diabetologist

MSc Sport Sciences

MSc Human Nutrition

Nutrition module

All the information and advice that appears in this module has been developed and validated by our biomedical team, following the recommendations of prestigious international organizations.

The calculation of kilocalorie needs has been carried out following the modified Harris – Benedict equation. For more information about this equation, check the following link:

The nutritional recommendations regarding kilocalorie distribution, distribution structure of immediate principles and nutritional pyramids are based on the current recommendations (2023) made by the World Health Organization.

The procedures for allergen exclusion are based on the recommendations of the  FDA (US Food and Drugs Administration). For more information on this, consult the following link:

Special diets

To ensure accuracy in food classification for the preparation of special diets (gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan or lactose-free), our team has relied on the food classification of the prestigious International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS). For more information on this, consult the following link:

The characteristics of these special diets are the following:

Training Module

All physical exercise tips   and guides have been programmed and validated by our biomedical department based on the main international physical exercise, physical activity and health guides.

Guides from the World Health Organization on exercise and physical activity.

Position Statement of the American College of Sports Medicine on exercise and physical activity in various populations with and without pathology.

Important announcement

Consult your doctor before following the recommendations that you will find in this app if you have any health problems.

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