With you, always by your side

Sendo Health’s intelligent system allows each user to have a personalized health plan at their fingertips. Nutrition and physical activity programs, stress and sleep management tips, device integration, chat with human professionals. A whole world of possibilities in your health App. Nutrition and physical activity programs, stress and sleep management tips, device integration, chat with human professionals. A whole world of possibilities in your health App

Personalized nutrition

Healthy eating is a fundamental pillar in a person’s health. Multiple problems can be prevented through a personalized diet. Our nutrition program selects the most appropriate diets for each person.

Integral wellness

It is the final result of our intervention. It is the final objective of our health program, with which we take care of the end user and offer economic return and recognition to our partner/client.

Physical exercise

The other basic pillar of comprehensive health. Human beings were designed to move. Our intelligent personal trainer proposes the best training programs for each user to achieve their goals. Ready, Set, Go!

Try our system

Do you want to analyze our system to consider incorporating it into your services?
We offer you the possibility of trying all our content and technology
Without obligation!


Have you ever thought about being able to offer a personalized nutrition service to your clients? Sendo Health offers personalized diets at the highest level. Our nutrition application has multiple objectives, and almost infinite possibilities

  • Vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free menus, etc. (up to 8 different options)
  • Intolerances and allergies (more than 25 options)
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Adaptation to global gastronomic cultures, recipes, ingredients and composition of dishes.
  • Very complete, and also easy to use

Personal Training

Our Smart Personal Trainer will make training much easier and more enjoyable for your clients. Enjoy a balanced personalized training plan with multiple objectives to choose from. And if you have a health problem, our specific training programs will help you prevent its reappearance or limit its adverse effects.

  • Over 1,000 HD exercise videos
  • Up to 15 different goals: weight loss, toning, health (diabetes, hypertension, cancer, etc.)
  • Selection of available material and training location (gym, home, outdoors)
  • Activities and video classes (more than 2,000 different ones) and more than 12 types (yoga, pilates, spinning, HIIT, cardio, etc.)

FAQS generales

¿Necesitas más ayuda? Visita nuestro centro de ayuda de Sendo Health.

¿Los programas de nutrición son modificables?

Todos los programas de Sendo se pueden mofidificar tantas veces como quieras. Simplemente modificando el perfil del usuario, y sus circunstancias, nuestro sistema de Inteligencia Artificial IA replantea su propuesta.

¿Cómo de variados y flexible son los programas de nutrición?

Sendo tiene una base de más de 7.000 platos diferentes, y añadimos varios cientos nuevos cada trimestre. Además, damos la opción para cada comida, de pedir al sistema personal que nos ofrezca variantes equivalentes con diferentes ingredientes.

¿Puedo elegir cuantas comidas hacer cada día, y los platos que tomo?

Por supuesto. Sendo te deja elegir el número de comidas diarias y si en las principales comidas quieres un plato único, 2 platos o incluir un postre.

¿Los planes de entrenamiento personalizados son para personas en buena forma física?

En absoluto. Sendo es capaz de programar entrenamientos para personas sedentarias, obesas o en muy baja condición física, y llevarles de la mano hasta conseguir una buena condición física. Pero también puede entrenar a un atleta para correr un maratón o ganar fuerza y masa muscular. ¡No hay nada ni nadie, imposible para Sendo!

¿Y si a mí me gustan las actividades en grupo, con profesor?

Tenemos más de 2.000 clases en video de máxima calidad, y con los mejores profesores. Yoga, Pilates, Spinning, HIIT, Boxing. Puedes integrarlas en tu plan personalizado de entrenamiento. Y disfrutar a tope.

¿Como actúa la Inteligencia Artificial IA en el diseño de los programas personalizados?

Nosotros con nuestra comida y actividad física generamos millones de datos. La IA se encarga de evaluar tus datos, tu progreso y resultados para poder adaptar los programas a tu realidad, a tu evolución y a tus características. Para un entrenador o nutricionista humano, esto sería imposible. La IA es capaz de determinar patrones y predecir los resultados de los programas personalizados de Sendo.

Try our system

Do you want to analyze our system to consider incorporating it into your services?
We offer you the possibility of trying all our content and technology
Without obligation!

Artificial intelligence AI, at your service
of health and well-being

Sendo relies on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to adapt its personalized nutrition and personalized training programs to each person and their circumstances. AI personalizes diets and workouts, and analyzes user data and evolution to reformulate health programs for each individual. AI -Artificial Intelligence- has allowed our team of scientists and technologists to create a versatile and unique system.


Device connection

We connect any device, wearable or tracker on the market to your App to offer statistics, gamification and extra motivation to your users. We gamify the improvement of group health.

Video classes -streaming-

In addition, we offer as a complement, the best video on-demand classes. International-level instructors promote greater variety and dynamism in training. Pilates, Spinning, HIIT, Yoga, The best classes, anywhere.

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